GTA VI: 13 Things Fans Want (That Probably Won't Happen)

2. Returning Characters

What Fans Want: The GTA series prides itself on introducing new characters with every new game, such that appearances from franchise favourites are pretty few and far between. The only main protagonist to re-appear in any other game in a significant capacity is Claude (who appears in a racing mission in San Andreas), but with GTA VI, that should totally change. If GTA VI really is set in Vice City as the evidence points to, then it absolutely must reconvene with Tommy Vercetti, even if only for a mission or single cut-scene conversation. Why It Won't Happen: Rockstar seems quite averse to milking fan-service too much even though this isn't exactly a franchise with a story people hold up as anything more than a smart crime thriller pastiche. While a cameo certainly isn't out of the question, a major appearance from any significant GTA character in the next game seems hugely unlikely due to how the company hates repeating themselves and how protective they are over what they've previously built.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.