GTA VI: 7 Awesome Things From V That Must Return

7. Volume Of Side Missions

Since making the jump to 3D with Grand Theft Auto III, Rockstar have worked hard to create a more interactive world, one which feels like it's living around the gamer, not just because they happen to be there. The idea of fully-immersive 3D environments once felt like an impossibility for game developers, but Rockstar have been leading the way in this field since the turn of the millennium. GTA V borrowed from another Rockstar title, Red Dead Redemption, introducing the 'Strangers & Freaks' stories from the Western title and morphing them to fit the GTA universe. It worked incredibly well, because more often than not these side missions were actually worthwhile undertaking, similar to the tale involving John Marston. For V, Rockstar brilliantly implemented side missions, making them take on a life of their own, rather than simply existing as 'go there, pick this up' mini-games. Sure, the tow truck tasks may not have been thrilling, but for every one of those, there was the hilarious celebrity photographer missions, or the epic cannibal cult that Trevor unwittingly stumbles upon. In short, GTA VI needs more of this kind of thing - sporadic, random and spontaneous missions should be popping up all over the place. Completely optional, these incidents would only heighten the sense that players are existing in a living, breathing world, not to mention give more scope for branching off from the main story and exploring the vast space open to them.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.