GTA VI: 7 Awesome Things From V That Must Return

1. Multiple Protagonists

Not to say that Rockstar couldn't weave an interesting story with just one main player-controlled protagonist if they wanted to, but the advent of being able to work with more than one character 100% worked in GTA V. Switching between Michael, Franklin and Trevor kept things from ever getting dull, and each one had their own set of mannerisms, lifestyle and even special ability which prevented GTA V from ever feeling stale. Already, even after only one game, this is a winning formula, and there's room for more of the same in GTA VI. If Rockstar only choose to keep one major feature from V, this should be it. There were concerns that the multiple protagonist system could be overwhelming at first for players, but that notion was quickly abolished once folks witnessed it for themselves. Having a character which accurately represents each way players enjoy playing Grand Theft Auto games is a good idea. Maybe Rockstar could simply give gamers the option of which character to focus playing as at the beginning of the game, but there's something endearing and captivating about the depth of field when multiple personalities are involved. What other awesome GTA V elements do you think Rockstar should expand upon for GTA VI? Do you agree with the choices on this list? Let your voice be heard down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.