GTA VI Rumours: 10 Biggest Speculations

7. Main Characters Will 'Live' In Different Cities

Going back to an earlier point, it's been rumoured that GTA VI could take place in a smaller city, such as Portland, Oregon. Quite why such a location has been picked out remains unclear, but it would be a smaller initial sandbox than the likes of New York promised, just as one example. For that reason, many players are theorising that VI will play out in multiple cities. If Grand Theft Auto VI continues with having more than one protagonist, it'd be a cool feature to have each one based in a different location from the others. That could open the story - not to mention, the world - up somewhat, allowing gamers to travel to and from each city. Better yet, what if GTA VI takes place in more than one country, that would be something truly special. It'd take a lot of work to ensure that the story was smooth if the game spanned multiple locations, because nobody wants to see a situation where Rockstar simply try and shove as much as they can down the throats of fans. Bigger can be better, but the atmosphere has to be just right, and the world itself needs to be feel alive and vibrant. If VI can pull off hosting entire stories in differing places, it would be a huge achievement.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.