GTA VI Rumours: 10 Biggest Speculations

4. Every Building Will Be Interactive

When GTA V was released, there were few complaints against what the game had to offer, because it was definitely the most expansive, interactive Grand Theft Auto game yet. Having 3 distinctively different main characters added a lot of value, because if gamers were bored controlling one member of the cast, they could simply switch to another. With that in mind, there's still scope to expand on the actual universe itself. Rockstar have done a damn fine job of making GTA games feel like they're taking place in a living, breathing city. Contrast that with the Arkham series of Batman games, which often feel a little empty in terms of bodies in the environment, and it becomes clear just how awe-inspiring a job the developers of GTA have done. If those in charge of designing the game world could just dedicate a little more disc-space to making each building fully-interactive, people would be salivating. That's certainly being speculated, that GTA VI will be the first time absolutely every structure visible in the game will be penetrable. Better yet, there are even rumours that gamers can destroy certain buildings completely, changing the dynamic of what's on offer.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.