Halo 4 vs Black Ops 2: Which Game Is Best?


Halo 4€™s single player feels very much in line with what came before it, but that isn€™t really a complaint; it€™s frantic, fleets between vehicular, team-based and solo stretches with ease, and is surprisingly challenging given the relative ease of the previous titles. Even on Normal difficulty, ammo is troublingly scarce, making for a more intense and imposing atmosphere throughout. Also, the wealth of new enemies €“ specifically the dreaded Prometheans €“ make this feel different enough from the prior formula, even if it is still far too short. Black Ops 2, on the other hand, is a stark change from what we€™ve come to expect from the series; even putting the futuristic setting aside, Treyarch has sought to make this a far more interactive engagement, in which your choices actually matter, and you€™re not simply following a squad-mate on rails. Granted, some of the Strike Force mechanics aren€™t perfect, but on the whole the single-player €“ which is still far too short €“ has been sufficiently revitalised with plenty of ambition. And yet, we still have to give it to Halo 4; it€™s a supremely entertaining, fierce, muscular, frantic offering that will thrill fans of the series, while taking the challenge and sheer spectacle to new heights. Black Ops 2 could be described in similar terms, though it is still subject to some of the trappings of the previous games, chiefly that it still feels like an after-thought €“ albeit a well-constructed one €“ when compared to the sublime online offering. With Halo 4, the two feel in tadem. WINNER: Halo 4

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.