Halo 4: Where it Will Succeed and Where It Will Fail

2. It's not Bungie

Halo will never be the same again. Despite Halo 4 having the best graphics and other technical elements of the series, Bungie's sense of humour and obsession with the number 7 will likely be missing from Halo 4. I mean, they built Halo. Halo, one of the most iconic franchises in gaming. Certainly the most famous and best Xbox franchise. Sorry Gears, but you are a terrible game. Everything people know and love about Halo was made by Bungie. The story, the universe, the weapons, the characters, the music. All of it is Bungie's doing. I can't help but shake the feeling that, despite half of 343i being made up of Bungie employees, it just won't be the same and will likely end up feeling a bit cheap and off-colour. While Halo 4 looks good, and certainly worthy of being released as triple-A title, that Halo signature will be somewhat missing and it just won't be the same. It does look like Bungie's inspiration is clear, though. The movement, the guns and the art all look like Halo, so far. The only small thing that looks annoying is the mutiplayer announcers voice. He sounds too enthusiastic, but that's just me. So that concludes another list of wins and fails for an upcoming game. Halo 4 looks surprisingly awesome, and despite not being a true Halo and Bungie game. Here's hoping it all stacks up to be a worthy successor in a legendary franchise. What do you think? Let us know below, and please add any suggestions about what games you want to see covered in the coming weeks.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!