Halo 5 Vs. Black Ops 3 Vs. Star Wars Battlefront: Which One Is Best?
3. Gameplay: Overall
Halo 5: The Halo series has always had impeccable gameplay and the fifth time continues the tradition: there's a real weight to the combat that a lot of other shooters lack, and the diversity of vehicular carnage only makes it that much more epic. Black Ops 3: Single player is largely still a by-the-numbers "follow and shoot" affair, but the wall-running adds a lot to the game's personality. How much you'll like it will depend on your tolerance for twitch shooting and questionable hit-boxes, however. Battlefront: Casual-focused but highly enjoyable, Battlefront captures the feel of a big-scale Star Wars fight even if it might not be deep enough for many players. The lack of customisation options and absence of a worthwhile progression system are definite flaws. WINNER: Halo 5's single player is fairly underwhelming, but that superb multiplayer will likely keep you coming back for more even as your interest in BO3 and Battlefront tapers off.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.