Halo 5 Vs. Black Ops 3 Vs. Star Wars Battlefront: Which One Is Best?

8. DLC

Halo 5: 343 have confirmed that there will be no single-player DLC for the game, and that all 15 multiplayer DLC maps will be free to players. In a statement about the widely-lauded decision, they said, "When you have paid map packs and content, you divide the player base into two groups: the haves and the have-nots." Though paid cosmetic DLC is almost certainly coming in the future, this is a highly refreshing move. Black Ops 3: There's nothing out of the ordinary here: the Season Pass grants you access to a total of 16 new maps for almost as much as the cost of the base game, which has always been a pretty divisive price point among gamers. On the plus side, it will apparently feature some remastered maps from World at War and previous Black Ops games. Battlefront: Given how few maps are in the final game, this one's a sore point. The Season Pass goes for £40 (the same cost as the game) and will presumably feature the content that many feel should've been in the base title, namely extra maps and probably more fan favourite hero characters such as Yoda and Chewbacca. WINNER: Halo 5 took a stand, and it's very much appreciated.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.