Halo Infinite: 10 Story Questions It Must Answer

5. What Has Happened To Cortana?

Halo Infinite

Halo 5 certainly tried to go in a different direction from the previous games. With the new armor abilities, focus away from Chief, and stylistic changes, 343 really attempted to distance themselves from what came before.

One key area they deviated from the entries produced by Bungie was how they handled Cortana. While Halo 4's story centered itself around her falling victim to rampancy, Halo 5 saw her take on the role of the main antagonist.

While a bold move, the decision didn't pay off. What was trying to be an interesting twist on the established formula, ended up just cheapening the ending of Halo 4. Cortana was simply never meant to be a villain.

Now, with Infinite seemingly moving past the end of Halo 5 at warp speed, one has to wonder where Cortana is. Is she still leading the army of the created or has she abandoned them?

Crucially, are 343 going to backtrack on their decision to make her a villain and have her return to the hero role she was originally designed for?

Having her in that original position would further go to show that 343 have listened to the fans.


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