Halo: The Master Chief Collection - 10 Incredible Moments You Need To Revisit

2. "I Think We're Just Getting Started"

Game: Halo: Combat Evolved Level: The Maw Despite being a first-person shooter, Halo doesn't shy away from extensive vehicle sections. They mix the action up nicely but even more importantly, these sections create great moments and highly memorable scenes on their own. The Maw is the final level of Halo: Combat Evolved and the stakes are incredibly high within the mission. Chief and Cortana need to fire up the Pillar Of Autumn's engines to trigger an explosion which will destroy Halo, supposedly saving the galaxy from the threat of the Flood. Of course, once they've fired up that huge explosion, they have to escape. They acquire a Warthog and ride it across the top of the ship, dodging enemies and structures along the way. These vehicle escapes have become signature moments in the Halo series and this is where they all began. Halo 3's escape mission might bring the fireworks but nothing beats the tense time trial-esque feel of The Maw's escape. The time limit is restricting, especially on Legendary, and the big jump towards the end of the section feels like a big life-or-death moment for the Chief. The slightly frustrating Warthog controls might hamper this experience a touch nowadays but this is an important moment within the series - it simply has to be revisited.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.