Hands-On With Every Major Upcoming Video Game - Ranked

2. Metro Exodus

metro exodus
4A Games

For years, the Metro franchise has lay on the backburner. Yes, there's a selection of novels that breeds a hardcore fanbase for developers 4A Games to consult with, but for the majority of us, it's one of those franchises "we'll get around to".

Hopefully, if EGX is anything to go by, Metro Exodus is this series' The Witcher 3, i.e. the one when the whole world takes notice.

Playing once again as main man Artyom, Exodus is putting a huge focus on quick access to survivalist mechanics, including weapon cleaning, crafting, weapon customisation and health restoration. In terms of gameplay you're free to approach enemy encampments in a totally freeform way.

Walk up to a foe and they won't be immediately hostile unless you are. Stealth kills will get you pretty far, but even during a firefight you'll hear enemies converse with one another as they lose sight of you. I had a notable moment where a foe decided to surrender as his friend maintained aggression - something that led to the former being killed in the crossfire, but still.

It feels like 4A are creating dynamic scenarios that have a potent element of humanity at their core - something the novels were all about, and something that should make Metro one of 2018's best games.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.