Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs

2. If You Live In A Remote Area, You're Screwed

Wizards Unite Dead

No matter how keen you are to be active in this game, if you happen to have lost the Wizards Unite postcode lottery, you're sh*t out of luck, my friends.

While some areas like major public parks are littered with lovely rewarding collectibles every few steps, other areas will inevitably be barren. Look on social media already and you'll see people decrying their lack of opportunities to get Foundables and lagging behind in the XP stakes.

Obviously, the game HAS to have some set hot zones, but it's still a frustration that there hasn't been some consideration to working on a level playing field for EVERYONE. Which is exactly what someone who lives somewhere barren would say. I should know, because I do.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.