Hitman: 10 WORST Ways To Die

8. A Bit Of A Stretch

hitman absolution
Square Enix

Yoga, in a simplified sense, is all about reflection, inner peace and meditation. Well, that and the insane contortions you can put your body through.

The last thing that tends to go through a yogi's mind is, "This is the moment I die".

At least, one doubts Yuki Yamazaki was thinking that when she began limbering up for her mountaintop stretch in Hokkaido. But then, if you will put a yoga mat on the edge of a precipice, you're asking for trouble.

Never wanting to miss an opportunity, 47 pulls his chameleon act as the resort's yoga instructor and gets into the swing of things. At first, it all seems fairly convincing, our target none the wiser.

Lulled into a standard workout, our favourite assassin lines up Yamazaki in a precarious position over an equally daunting drop. Then, in compliance with the laws of physics, gives her a good ol' boot over the edge. No firearms, garrotes or explosives, nor any wildly supernatural or magical involvement here.

Just a high ledge, total unawareness and a strong foot. Namaste indeed.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.