Hitman Beta: 4 Things It Gets Right (And 6 That Really Suck)

8. Gets Right - Environmental Experimentation Is Back

A big part of how this 'back to basics' Hitman experience is being sold comes directly off the back of Absolution's main criticism; that of linear levels or the general feeling being that we couldn't poke and prod at a living, breathing world of interacting A.I. programs. Although the beta only has within it two levels, the tutorial and general narrative setup encourages you to experiment with what's on offer. There's a double-edged sword checklist of 'Feats' that can straight-up tell you what many of these are (more on that later), but for the most part you're plonked into a level, given a target and told to proceed whichever way you like. Such an approach is key to the Hitman formula's appeal, and by having the game highlight the various ways you can get the job done - only to nudge you towards more outlandish ideas once you get to grips with the guns and explosives on offer - helps reinvigorate the love we once had for this iconic franchise.
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