Hitman's 10 Most Satisfying Assassinations

6. Dom Osmond

Found in: Absolution Meet Dom Osmond, the owner of seedy strip joint, the Vixen Club. While Dom may not be as successful as our old friend Havilland, he certainly trumps the old geezer when it comes to sleaziness and brutality €“ both of which far surpass the minimum requirements for this list. While Havilland€™s illegal activity revolving around women was a subtlety, Absolution holds nothing back in letting you know just how psychotically dominating Osmond is when it comes to his strippers. Forcing his women into prostitution with threats of violence he is, however, kind enough to allow the girls an alternative way out. Sticking up to Dom will get any girl ballsy enough to do so a nice €œall-expenses paid trip to Hawaii€€ €Hawaii being, of course, a decrepit building at the back of the club where he straps them down, violently rapes them, and then proceeds to beat them to death with a hairbrush. Charming. Memorable assassination: Shooting him in the face as he checks himself out in a one-way mirror. Vanity is a deadly sin, it seems.

Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut