Horizon Forbidden West: 9 Things We Want To See

7. More varied human enemies

Horizon Forbidden West
Guerilla Games

Zero Dawn was praised by consumers and critics alike for it’s unique machine-based combat. Where it fell short, however, were the encounters with other human survivors.

As mentioned in the previous point, when it came to fighting humans, there wasn’t much variety. Aside from using the bow for ranged stealth, when it came to being seen and fighting all out, the only option was the spear. Due to all human enemies being pretty much identical, all of these encounters played out the same. Incorporating different human enemy types and a hand full of bosses would make these sections much more enjoyable and challenge the player to think more.

Getting these sections up to par with the aforementioned machine battles would make for an all round more exciting experience come the sequel.


Creative soul with a obsession for Videogames and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.