How Bethesda Should Make The Elder Scrolls VI

7. Base-Building Mechanics

Elder Scrolls Vi

Another Fallout 4 feature that Bethesda should carry over to the Elder Scrolls series is the game's extensive base-building mechanics.

Skyrim already dabbled in such things with the Hearthfire DLC pack, which gave players the chance to build a homestead and manage property in the world of Tamriel.

The broader construction mechanics in Fallout 4 are a big part of what gave the game its depth and longevity. Although they were woven into some of the core missions, this feature also gave players the chance to make a mark on the world and express themselves freely out in the wasteland.

Base-building should also become a core feature in Elder Scrolls VI, with a handful of missions calling for players to tap into it, but there must also be scope for the fanbase to experiment with it in an unbridled way outside of the core story.

Giving players the chance to build something that will grow and stand the test of time in Tamriel is the key to retaining them long after the main quest is over and enlivening the endgame content. Compelling post-launch DLC is only half the battle.


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