How Rockstar Should Make Bully 2

1. Another Perfectly-Sized Sandbox With Great Variety

Bully Carnival
Rockstar Games

In the current gaming climate, the vast, sprawling open world is king - for better or for worse. It would be tempting for Rockstar to vastly increase the size of the sandbox, introducing a neighbouring city or even granting access to the whole of Bullworth County.

The problem here is that most massive games justify their map sizes through setting alone.

Red Dead Redemption II was a sprawling western, and the endless expanse of the frontier is part and parcel of the genre. Likewise, other games that feature gigantic environments are fantasy epics such as The Witcher 3, or concern liberating entire continents from dictators like Just Cause.

Those settings are a far cry from a teenager trying to make it through the school year unscathed.

The sandbox in Bully was only as big as it needed to be, with the environment being detailed enough to feel explorative but not bloated. A huge expanse of land would only hurt the game and detract from the primary location of Bullworth Academy.

An expanded campus would be just about all that's needed, and if Bullworth had had some urban development over the last twenty years or so there could be an extra neighbourhood added and maybe a shopping mall added for some of that sweet, sweet character customisation.


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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.