Injustice 2: 15 Guest Characters NetherRealm Must Include
2. Rey
The last true fighting game to feature characters from the Star Wars universe was Soulcalibur IV, which, having released alongside The Force Unleashed late in 2008, featured Yoda, Darth Vader and Starkiller all as playable characters in the title's roster. That was eight years ago though, and, well, Star Wars has changed a bit since, hasn't it?
And for the better, I imagine most would say. Especially since we now have Rey - by far one of the most interesting protagonists in the Star Wars canon - to rally behind. I toyed with having Kylo on here instead, but honestly, Rey is just a much better fit.
In game, the burgeoning Jedi could switch between her staff and lightsaber with ease, creating a unique move-set that would mark a departure from the usual gaming depiction of the galaxy far, far away's most famous religious guardians.
Plus, if there was any chance, any at all, that we could get just the teeniest peak at what lies in store for Rey in Episode VIII, well, that would just be the icing on the cake really.