Injustice 2: 5 Confirmed Features To Get Excited About

3. A Story Where Characters Can Die And Anything Can Happen

Injustice 2

Injustice 2 corrects one of the biggest flaws in the story of the original Injustice by focusing on one universe.

Whilst the new story does take place in the Otherworld that debuted in Gods Among Us, it is no longer focusing on the heroes we know and love from the normal dimension. Injustice 2 continues the story of the original without having the fallback method of having the good Superman or the original Batman come and save the day.

What this means, is that the story now has true consequence and true stakes. With an evil Superman, a dead Nightwing and an otherworld Green Arrow, anything can happen. Any character can die, any city can be levelled and the world is truly at stake, especially with a villain like Braniac. This is the universe that had Superman kill the Joker, after all.

Because of this, Injustice 2 should feature one of the most brutal and exciting stories to come from Netherrealm, and any superhero tale from the last few years.

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Injustice 2
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.