Injustice 2 - Predicting 15 Essential Characters That Must Be Included

13. Green Lantern

arkham knight harley quinn

The Green Lantern Corps are fast becoming one of DC's biggest properties. Once consigned to the inner circles of the most fervent of fanboys out there, the adventures of Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Kyle Rainer have all managed to find a much wider audience than originally intended. Consequently, an appearance on Injustice is pretty much guaranteed, as they've been among the other characters spotted on that tie-in merch shirt.

I'd much prefer it if Hal Jordan wasn't the main Lantern this time around. He's just an incredibly dull character, and I found his character arc last time to be one of the game's key flaws. If we could have John Stewart, who we all know is the Green Lantern to everyone who watched the Justice League animated series, that would be so much better.

Or, maybe, NetherRealm could just go with an entirely different Lantern Corps altogether. There are about eight of them, and considering we've already seen Atrocitus make his way in, who's to say that Star Sapphire won't too?

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.