Injustice 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

5. Supergirl

Injustice 2 supergirl

NetherRealm did a fantastic job with Kara Zor-L, creating a version of the character that looks somewhat unassuming, yet has the power to dominate opponents in the right hands. Coolest of all - and a move we'd more associate with an evil Superman - she can burn her special meter to produce a focused eye beam, juggling other fighters at the close of a combo.

Not only that, but thanks to a mix of laden Superman-esque haymakers and the occasional Flash-esque million-punches-in-one animation, there's a stop-start brutality to Kara's moveset that's really endearing. All of this doesn't mention her freeze breath, the fact she can literally pull off a tombstone piledriver, or that her loot consistently makes her look outstanding.

Oh, and her supermove is the kind of OTT thing you'd turn the page and find on a double page comic book spread. It's just that ridiculous.

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