Injustice 2 Vs. Tekken 7 - Which Game Is Better?

2. Difficulty, Challenge, Learning Curve & Fairness

Tekken 7

In Tekken's case, Namco have a game engine that if you mastered years ago, feels exactly the same. You'll still destroy opponents on all but the highest difficulties, and save for implementing things like Rage Arts and Power Crushes, there's a wealth of character-based content to dip your toes in (or dive head-first into) at your own pace.

In Injustice's case, NetherRealm make like Mortal Kombat, giving you far reduced character move sheets by comparison, but taking a page from Street Fighter, as almost everything can be combined in one way or another. This way, you start getting better as a player, coming up with custom combos and juggles, the version of yourself after just a few hours being demonstrably better than when you started out.

However, at time of writing, Injustice 2 features some spectacularly annoying difficulty spikes in its Multiverse mode, occasionally ruining a good run and forcing you to resort to increasingly cheap tactics to prevail. Tekken has this in its story too (F**k you, Devil Kazuya), but its overall sensation of difficulty levels translating into A.I. aggression is much more measured.

Get slaughtered in Injustice 2, and you'll most likely feel as though there was nothing you could've done differently. In Tekken, with its less juggle-heavy combo strings, Rage Arts and Power Crushes, there are more opportunitites to turn the tide, even at the last possible second.

Winner: Tekken 7

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