Injustice 3: Things It Must Learn From Mortal Kombat 11
3. A Streamlined Gear System
The gear system introduced in Mortal Kombat 11 sounded awesome. You can change individual pieces of your favourite characters outfit, making each unique to your play-style? Sign us up.
In somewhat predictable fashion however, this interesting system was shoe-horned in to praise the microtransaction/loot box gods. There's an asinine amount of gear, which offer various forms of boosts to your character, but it's a crazy grind in order to get the gear you want.
There's no way of just unlocking the specific gear you want for, say, Scorpion. You unlock pieces for every character in the game, meaning it takes forever to get that mask you want. And it's that way on purpose.
Injustice 2 didn't have this problem. You unlocked gear for the specific character you played as most, and that works perfectly. NetherRealm need to scale back the system from Mortal Kombat 11, streamline it, and use that for Injustice 3. Hell, some of the gear could be added to The Krypt in order to make the grind feel less obnoxious.
No matter what the solution, the gear system cannot remain the same as it seriously hindered the playing of Mortal Kombat 11.