Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PS4 Review: Does It Still Hold Up?

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Where Jedi Outcast stands out the most, even when compared to Academy and newer Star Wars games has to be its story and characters. The story-driven single-player campaign still holds up today, even if the start is a bit slow when held to more modern games. There is a real sense of achievement when you finally get that Lightsaber. Kyle Katarn was and still is the perfect anti-hero for the Star Wars universe - he is basically Han Solo, but with a Lightsaber, what more could you ask for?

Dash Rendar has nothing on Kyle Katarn.

As well as integrating some of the old, with characters and well-known settings, Jedi Outcast has enough of the new to make it seem like an entirely new adventure in a Star Wars setting. The Empire is still "sort of" the big bad here, but they go by the Remnant, they feel desperate and are far more interesting than the First Order. Desann is the villain we need in today's Star Wars canon, not Snoke.

Raven Software truly crafted something magical with Jedi Outcast and this game is still very much worth picking up today, even in such a crowded marketplace. The super-low price point makes this a steal and if you are having trouble at the start, just enter the cheats and enjoy one of the best Star Wars game ever put to code.

For the Cheat Menu:

D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, Press Left Stick (L3), Press Right Stick (R3) & Press Left Stick (L3)

Rating: ★★★½

Platform Reviewed: PS4

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.