Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Major Hints For The Future Of The Franchise

4. The Master Of Masters

Kingdom Hearts
Square Enix

The Master of Masters is one of the only characters who is yet to be unmasked, but that time seems to be coming.

One of the shockers of the secret ending was the presence of yet another hooded character, who seemed particularly interested in the moon of the world he was in.

This character walks in the same manner as the Master of Masters and seems to be a pretty comical character considering how he makes a heart sign over the moon.

The Master of Masters has also not been seen since he disappeared during the Back Cover special movie, yet Kingdom Hearts 3 has made it clear that the heart can take over new vessels so he could feasibly be alive.

Combine this with one of the secret reports from Luxu saying, "He will return." and it seems almost definite that the hooded figure is indeed the Master of Masters.

Who is he though? That's really not clear, and definitely something the next game will focus on.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.