Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Major Hints For The Future Of The Franchise

3. Verum Rex

Kingdom Hearts
Square Enix

At first Verum Rex just seemed to be a playful little jab at Final Fantasy Verus XIII. The secret ending teased that it might be much more.

The attention that Verum Rex received in the Toy Story world did seem a little extravagant, but it seems like Tetsuya Nomura might actually be teasing the future of Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts 3's secret ending showed that Yozora, the protagonist of Verum Rex, was actually in the same area as Riku and was watching over him.

This doesn't seem like a coincidence, and even seems to be teasing that alternate worlds may be coming together as it looks like Riku, Sora, Yozora and the Master of Masters are all in the same place.

Some people have even theorised that Yozora could actually be the Master of Masters because of his different coloured eyes. Yeesh.

All of this from a little in-joke for the Toy Story world.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.