Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Major Reveals From D23 2018

7. Brand New Keyblade Transformations

Kingdom Hearts 3 Toy Story
Square Enix

Brand new Keyblade transformations could be seen all throughout the brand new trailer, showing us just how in-depth the system goes.

We see a lot of different Keyblade transformations as the trailer progresses but one of the ones we see most is the Quick Claws form. This sees Sora separating his Keyblade into two claws that can extend and attack Heartless from afar.

We also see Sora turn his Monster's Inc Keyblade into two yo-yo's and attack with them, which might tell us that each Keyblade has a variety of different forms.

The Tangled Keyblade also has it's own variety of Keyblade transformations, including a magic form called Mirage Staff that seems to give Sora similar abilities to the Wisdom Form in Kingdom Hearts 2. It ends with a massive tower being summoned into the sky, which is certainly very Tangled-esque.

The fact that each Keyblade has a variety of different transformations seems to confirm that Keyblades all have a different feature depending on which form is currently being used at the time.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.