Kingdom Hearts 3: 11 Disney Characters That Must Feature

8. Robin Hood

Unlike, for example, Bolt, Robin Hood -- the titular character from Disney's 1973 take on the classic story -- could easily provide a whole world of his own for players to explore. With a straightforward story that could play out with Sora, Donald and Goofy joining Robin and his Merry Men in their conflict with Prince John, a world giving the character a chance to shine would be a nice change of pace from yet another visit in the series to, say, Agrabah. Charming and different from many past temporary party members, Robin would be a fun asset to have along while exploring Sherwood Forest and Nottingham, likely as a long-range fighter. Considering his film has slipped away from the level of modern recognition that so many other Disney films have continued to maintain, adding him into the series would be a chance for many fans of the film and character to stroll down memory lane and convince new fans to finally check the film out.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!