Knack Review: 6 Reasons You Shouldn't Pass It Up

2. Length Is A Double Edged Sword

Knack is surprisingly a very long game for action adventure standards and clocked in at around 12 hours for me. Unfortunately, this is probably a detriment to the game€™s quality because repetition will occasionally settle in. Furthermore, some levels just feel drawn out more than necessary, which throws off the game€™s play/watch ratio. And ultimately, Knack is it at its most joyous when you€™re frequently flipping between quick gameplay stretches and intriguing cinematics. There are also loads of collectables to seek out hidden behind secret walls that due to how seamless the graphical environments are, actually are challenging to find; it€™s a crapshoot in deciphering which wall is something you can smash. This is actually a wonderful thing because it keeps players on their toes for devilishly hidden collectables. The actual purpose of these collectables is what I am against because it seems that Japan Studio is expecting everyone to play Knack 10 times to actually unlock everything. To explain, every secret room has a crypt that contains a randomized gadget part or crystal relic. To successfully unlock a gadget (usually just offers a passive gameplay modifier), you must collect every part to each gadget or crystal. Collecting all crystals in a set will unlock a rare alternate outfit for Knack. In actuality, you won€™t unlock much during your first run of Knack and will instead finish with numerous parts for everything, and maybe one or two of 10 gadgets actually constructed. Your only option to weed out the remaining pieces is to reopen crypts on a New Game + run. The only saving grace is a unique networking feature that allows you to select pieces your PSN friends found at a randomized crypt, instead of suffering at the mercy of whatever you are randomly generated. The only question left; is Knack worth playing multiple times over to collect pointless trinkets that only add value to those looking to ease the pain of harder difficulties? Knack is a fine launch title but honestly, one romp is enough. Even additional modes like Coliseum battles and level time attacks feel arbitrary and there to masquerade replayability. Nevertheless, it could be a wonderful thing if you fall in love with the game.
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Reviews Knack
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.