Last Of Us 2: 25 Easter Eggs, Details & References You Need To See

23. You Can Crack Safes By Listening Carefully

Uncharted 2 last of us 2
Naughty Dog

Can't be bothered looking around through letters and squinting at walls to find a code for the safes in The Last of Us Part 2?

No problem - Naughty Dog has got you covered!

Just like in any movie ever involving a safe, you can magically crack them open by using sound. Unfortunately Ellie doesn't have a stethoscope to magnify sound like movies would have you believe you need, but you can very, very carefully listen to the audio of the safe's mechanism to determine the right number.

If you move slowly through the numbers, there's a very discernible clicking noise which differs from the other sounds. This means that you've got the right number, and you can proceed to do this for every number in the sequence until finally you can crack the safe open.

It's just another amazing little touch Naughty Dog puts in their games to take them to the next level. If you're struggling to find the right combination for a safe in the environment, this little trick will make sure you don't miss out on any of the goodies inside.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.