League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 6

T-6. Team Curse (7-10)

Team Curse Team Curse is playing better than they have all season, probably because AD carry Cop and support Edward are on the same page. Although improvement has been noted, Team Curse still has a long way to go to reach the heights of Cloud Nine. They went 1-1 this week, with a decisive win over indecisive Team Coast and a loss to front runner Cloud Nine. Team Curse is well on their way to being a major contender, but as stated before, there are still improvements to be made. Top lane player Voyboy played a decent top lane Elise against Team Coast (2/1/2), but his Tryndamere against Cloud Nine lacked a bit of carry potential (4/6/1). They need Voyboy to step up his game a bit Mid lane player NYJacky made a great performance on Jayce against Team Coast (4/1/3) but got caught out way too much against Cloud Nine as Ahri (3/5/6). NYJacky was the casualty of lack of farm during that game, since they were giving it all away to Voyboy. Jungler Saintvicious had a great showing against Team Coast on Jarvan IV jungle, going 0/0/10. He followed that up with a solid 1/3/7 game on Xin Zhao against Cloud Nine. AD carry Cop played amazing this week, even during their loss to Cloud Nine. He went 7/2/5 on Twitch against Team Coast and 5/3/4 on Caitlyn against Cloud Nine. The reason Cop is looking better is because he and new European support Edward are beginning to mesh much better. Edward is making Cop much more aggressive, and it is certainly showing and working out for the team.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.