League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 8

T-6. Team Coast (9-14)

Team Coast Team Coast continues to struggle near the end of the season. Consistency continues to play a major role in their struggles, and in the end, they will have to fight to make it into the playoffs. Coast was one of the best teams in the entire LCS at the beginning of the season, but as other teams have improved, it seems they have remained stagnant in their progress. Top lane player ZionSpartan has a limited champion pool, and he is truly their biggest play maker. Until they find their niche, it will be difficult for Team Coast to make it further. Top lane player ZionSpartan made three uneven performances: two as Shen (1/5/14) and the other as Aatrox (2/3/5). Teams are getting too good at shutting ZionSpartan down, and they need to find a way to get his lane going. Mid lane player Shiphtur is a great mid laner, who cannot carry the team all by himself. His 5/1/6 Ahri against CLG was well-played, as was his 6/6/1 Karthus against Velocity eSports. Jungler NinentudeX had a bad week this week, going 0/1/8 on Elise against CLG, 0/7/4 on Evelynn against Velocity eSports, and 1/3/5 on tank Fiddlesticks against Team Dignitas. He continues to struggle to find his niche with the team. AD carry DontMashMe played a great game against CLG, going 7/1/5 on Twitch. His other two games on Vayne were average. Support Daydreamin continues to play decently but not at the level of other supports later in the season.

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.