Legend Of Zelda: Ranking Every Ganon From Worst To Best

5. A Link Between Worlds

legend of zelda ganon

A Link Between Worlds is one of the more unheralded titles in the Zelda franchise. Cultivating a similar feel and mechanics to perennial favourite A Link To The Past, the story sees Link locking swords with the sorcerer Yuga, who eventually merges essences with Ganon for a final clash.

If this all sounds a bit Link To The Past, well, it is (they occupy the same branch of the convoluted Zelda timeline). The world building in this game, however, is among the finest the series has managed outside of the major 3D adventures.

The kingdom of Lorule (whose name is a bit of a groaner but nevermind) is richly detailed and populated with well crafted characters, and the malevolent Yuga, combined with Hyrule’s scourge Ganon, makes for a compelling and detestable baddie. The final battle is substantial and challenging, too, pushing the limits of the 3DS.

A Link Between Worlds hardly pushes the boat out with its handling of Link’s nemesis, but the world he inhabits and attempts to conquer is so lovingly crafted that it’s a world you truly want to save. This and the quality of the battle elevate A Link Between Worlds’ Ganon significantly.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)