Legend Of Zelda - Ranking Every Link From Worst To Best

2. Ocarina Of Time & Majora's Mask

legend of zelda link

With the first 3D model of Link, Nintendo certainly didn’t disappoint, and even has the honor of being featured in what many consider one of the greatest games of all time. There’s also the added bonus of having two versions you can switch between, child and adult.

These two things combined made Link and his world feel more fleshed out and real than we had ever come to know it up to that point. Also greatly emphasizing the similarities between Link and Peter Pan thanks to ageless children of the Kokiri Forest, and his fairy companion Na’vi.

Nintendo even capitalized on Link’s new 3D abilities in Majora’s Mask with many more forms he could switch between by giving him different masks throughout his urgent mission. We could see him as a Deka, Goron, Zora, and countless other beings seen throughout Hyrule and the land of Termina, also giving Link a whole host of abilities we never seen him before, making him more versatile of a hero than ever before! While also proving that he's good for more than just saving Hyrule from Ganon, but also saving Termina from a crashing moon in less than three days.

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