Legend Of Zelda - Ranking Every Link From Worst To Best
3. A Link Between Worlds
The only Link to be seen in both 2D and 3D in the same game, while still looking amazing in both of them, proves that the Zelda formula, even after over thirty years, still has charm to spare. This is an interpretation, as well as game in general, that took everything that worked so well in A Link to the Past and expanded upon it expertly.
This Link not only has all the items available to him upfront, and multiple ways to tackle different dungeons in different orders, but with a wall merging mechanic that lets him explore cracks and crevacises to access areas no other Link has been able to access before.
He is also presented with an interesting take on his own character thanks to his Lorule counterpart, Ravio, who is a servant to Princess Zelda’s Lorule counterpart, Princess Hilda. Thanks to his mysterious, cowardly personality, we got to see an amazing “What if…” scenario for Link, while still feeling like Link has had a mirror held up to his face to see new aspects of himself.