LEGO Dimensions Year 2: 8 Things We Learned About Sonic, Harry Potter, Adventure Time & More

5. Some Packs Are Complete Lego Games

LEGO Dimensions Ghostbusters
Warner Bros./Lego

Over the past ten years Lego has instigated one of the most flawless brand rejuvenations in toy history. Starting with the rather out-there suggestion of a video game adaptation of the Star Wars prequels with minifigures, they’ve spun out a massive multimedia franchise and redefined its building blocks as a source a smart, irreverent fun. The latest step in this is Lego Dimensions, which is really rather classic Lego with the ability to mix and match any set of players.

Although that doesn’t mean it’s losing the gaming branch’s roots. Year 2 sees the introduction of proper story sets that adapt entire movies. First up is Ghostbusters, which comes complete with its own dimension portal and will tell the entire story of the totally fine 2016 remake. The gameplay still has the Dimensions inflections – you need the full range of characters to play – but it’s much more in line with the classic games.

This is a simple way to get around the complications making a full Triple-A game adapting a single movie throws up. Don’t be surprised if future Lego games come as part of the wider Dimensions fold.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.