Madden 20 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs


5. MUT Missions Make It More Accessible To Newbies

Madden 20 MUT
EA Sports

Now, the positives.

If there are any stragglers left who are yet to plunge head first into EA's dizzying world of Ultimate Team, then EA has your backs. The Missions they've added to MUT make it much more accessible to newcomers and provide a range of challenges that explain what the mode is all about without throwing screen after screen of info at the player.

That's a nice touch, and it's smart design to make these Missions the first thing players see when they boot up Ultimate Team too. As much as it seems strange to fawn over a new UI, it is classy, and Madden 20's balance between handholding and freedom is wonderfully done. That's not something MUT could always brag about in the past.

Think of these Missions as a newbies' tour guide. They'll help ease the overwhelming thought of playing alongside series vets who know Ultimate Team inside and out. If you are tempted to buy 20 just to try MUT, know that it's a rewarding, welcoming experience.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.