Madden 22: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

3. Superstar > Face Of The Franchise

Madden 22
EA Sports

This is more like it.

Eric Rayweather, who runs a dedicated Madden channel on YouTube, has a strong inkling that EA will replace their Face Of The Franchise mode in Madden 22. He reckons an updated version of the old Superstar Mode will be there instead, and he's pretty excited about that thought.

Rayweather pointed out that EA tends to cycle features out of Madden after a few years. They did it with Longshot, and they could do the same with Face Of The Franchise. If so, then they might also ditch the on-rails story presentation in favour of a more standard, less-contrived Career Mode suite.

That'll get the juices flowing for old-school Madden players. Eric also wonders if EA might eventually want to combine their College Football game with Madden, which would allow players to create rookies in the NCAA and import them into Madden 22 or 23 next year.

Exciting times if any of this rings true.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.