Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 14 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

10. Use Auto-Accelerate To Free Up Hand Cramp

Mario Kart 8

Initially I turned off the three 'aids' MK8 automatically turns on (auto-steering, auto acceleration and tilt controls), mainly under the assumption that I didn't want some sort of 'tutorial'-based element hanging over my game-time.

However, as many gamers can attest, holding a tiny A button down for the duration of a session can easily result in discomfort and cramp, and although 'auto-acceleration' sounds like it'll impede your control overall, it actually only acts as a stand-in for acceleration.

Turn it on and Mario Kart will act as if you're continuously holding down the A button (which you would've been anyway), meaning you can focus on braking and item use. It doesn't sound like much, but this can be a godsend if you find your personal circumstances or musculature just isn't in-keeping with Nintendo's minuscule controller configurations.

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