Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 14 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

9. 'Soft Drift' To Build Maximum Boost Without Turning Too Sharply

Mario kart 8

When holding R and launching into a corner, chances are you'll forever be feathering your steering left and right to avoid turning too sharply. Say it's a left turn, turning 'into' the corner ramps up your boost faster, building towards the orange and pink sparks, but most of the time continuing to hold one direction will send you off the road.

The secret here is to use the upper diagonals to still steer in the appropriate direction, whilst also not fully committing, so your kart stays on the course.

This way, as Mario Kart builds your boost by steering into corners in any capacity, it'll still charge up, but you won't run the risk of leaving the tarmac.

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