Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: 10 MAJOR Issues Team Ninja Must Fix

5. Glitches Galore

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Green Goblin
Marvel Studios

Players falling through the level. Bosses which spawn but never activate, leaving you unable to progress. Crashes to the Switch's dashboard. Notifications which pop up and continually play again and again until you reboot the game just to make the continual "Ding!" sound stop.

All of these and more plague the MUA3 experience. It's easy to suspect that Team Ninja skimped on the quality control process in order to hit their shipping date, and so innumerable bugs which should have been squashed at an early stage survive to haunt the player at every stage of their journey.

It has been almost two weeks since launch and there has still not been a hotfix for any of the common problems reported by users.

In an industry where even former golden child Bethesda is increasingly being brought to task for a lax attitude towards game-breaking bugs, it is easy to see how a slow response from Team Ninja could translate into a lack of trust going forward.


Daniel Bentley has contributed 2 posts since joining in July 2019.