Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

5. Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider
Team Ninja

Ghost Rider has always been a bit of an anomaly in these games, and while he's always provided some much-needed darkness to an otherwise colourful roster, developers haven't quite managed to create a unique fighting style for the flame-headed anti-hero - until now.

Jumping on the motorcycle to ram into enemies or breathing literal fire until they burn to a crisp provides a visceral thrill, but it's his sheer strength that makes him so useful. Even his basic whip attacks deal massive damage, and he becomes essential in the late game when you need to destroy turrets and conjured helpers that can quickly overwhelm you.

The combos are basic, but they're hard to argue with when they're so damn effective.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3