Marvel's Avengers: 10 Ms. Marvel Comics Fans Must Read

5. All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015) #1

Ms Marvel Kamala Khan
Marvel Comics

After Hickman's Secret Wars Marvel tried to switch things up with the All-New, All-Different series - which obviously meant it was time for a new Avengers team.

Stark rounded up the usual suspects, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Captain America and Thor, however they weren't the regular old heroes. The All-New All-Different Avengers looked little like what the MCU is ramping up to, with Jane Foster as Thor, Sam Wilson as Captain America and of course, Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel.

The team does some incredible work over their short time together, however, it's issue #1 that really sticks out. Opening up with Kamala screaming "You're a jerk!" at Nova is hilarious (and that's before he tries to flirt with her), Tony Stark gets full on Transformers with his new armour and a bunch of alien monsters from the microverse interrupt an argument over who is the best Avenger.

Unfortunately, Civil War II caused a rift that couldn't be repaired with Miles, Kamala and Sam Alexander leaving the team behind them. It's a real shame that the series is overlooked so often, especially when Mark Waid put so much care and attention into building the new squad.


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