Marvel's Avengers: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

6. The Character Designs Remain Abysmal

Marvel's Avengers Game
Crystal Dynamics

From a visual standpoint, Marvel's Avengers has definitely improved since that first trailer was released (which was met with scathing comments from fans horrified by the shockingly bad character designs). However, while they may have received a slight polish, Square Enix wasn't kidding when they said they wouldn't be changing how these heroes look.

This might be a purely superficial issue, but it's one it's hard to ignore as a comic book fan. How can you enjoy leaping into action as Captain America when his suit looks like it was designed by Rob Liefeld in the mid 1990s? Of course, there are unlockable/purchasable alternatives, but even those based on classic comic book stories look kind of crappy thanks to this game's aesthetic.

Even more problematic than this is how bland the characters themselves look. They don't look particularly realistic, are undeniably generic, and the voiceover work...well, it's extremely hit-and-miss. Don't be surprised if you eventually hit the "Mute" button rather than listening to Iron Man's tedious, unfunny one-liners or the Chris Hemsworth impersonator playing Thor.


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