Marvel's Avengers: 10 Villains It MUST Include

8. The X-Men

Avengers Iron Man Doctor Doom
Marvel Comics

Alright, admittedly this is nothing more than a complete fantasy and there's probably more chance of Jean Grey staying dead than there is of the X-Men showing up in anything other than their own game, but on a scale of one to ten on the must include scale, Avengers vs. X-Men is a solid eleven.

It's probably safe to say that unless Square Enix go all in with the splinter cell version of Cyclops' X-Men from the outset then it isn't the mutants that are responsible for the devastation that happens in the trailer, but with the studio already promising a regular stream of new content when the game is released, there's no reason it can't be part of any future DLC.

Having the two factions go up against each other over which side is right in how to deal with the Phoenix Force is pretty much comic book Nerdvana, and to have it spilling out into the streets of New York - or maybe even a fully rendered Utopia - gives it the ability to have some of the most jaw-dropping in the medium.

If it also gives you the choice to pick which team you want to play, well it's safe to say the internet would explode (for all the right reasons this time).


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.