Marvel's Avengers: 10 Villains It MUST Include

7. Red Skull

Avengers Iron Man Doctor Doom
Marvel Comics

Johann Schmidt may be seen more like a Captain America villain but that's no reason for him not to show up in the new game, as he's caused more than enough trouble for Earth's Mightiest Heroes over the years. Also, it's doubtful that punching Nazis in the face is ever going to get old, so there's that too.

During the trailer, it seems as if Cap dies when the hellicarrier he's on crashes and explodes. Now unless Square's taking a big gamble and perma-killing him before the game has even started then it's safe to assume that he'll come back from the grave at some point. But what if instead of the red, white, and blue version that's beloved by everyone, he returns as an agent of Hydra?

If they take a leaf from the Secret Empire story and have Steve Rogers side with his arch-nemesis it's sure to be a brilliant way to swerve everyone, and if the idea of him just being a clone is a little too far fetched for most people's tastes then they can always go with the old "he's brain-washed" chestnut to explain away his actions.

Battling Captain America and giant Nazi robots? Who do we have to whisper 'hail Hydra' to in order to make this happen?


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.