Marvel's Avengers: Every Brand New Story And Gameplay Detail JUST Revealed

7. Hero Missions

Marvel's Avengers Thor Co-Op
Square Enix

The majority of the "War Table" presentation was focused on gameplay, particularly showing off the single player mode, dubbed "Hero Missions". These missions will make up the campaign side of the game, offering a single player experience, focusing on a specific character.

Hero Missions give players the chance to explore each hero's story. Taking place over multiple locations, the missions can be accessed via the War Table aboard the Chimera. Missions are connected by "mission chains", which will act as a progression tracker. Presumably, each mission chain will represent storylines for each playable character.

The single player missions are also designed to show of the variety and depth of each hero's designs. Completing missions will gain players new outfits, powers and moves via the progression system.

One other thing to note is, during the demonstration of selecting a mission via the War Table we can see a notice above one of the missions. Just before they select the "Once An Avenger" mission, they hover over another mission and above the title is a red box saying "Hero is auto-assigned". This indicates that while some missions will be locked to a particular hero, you are able to play as whoever you want to on other missions.


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