Marvel's Avengers Game: 10 Gameplay Details You Totally Missed

8. Skills And Gear Are Separate From Character Customisation

Marvels Avengers Team
Square Enix

There has been some confusion as to how much of the customisation in the Avengers game is going to be gated behind a paywall. It's a testament to how cynical the industry has become that as soon as Square announced that players will be able to buy customisation items, fans jumped to the assumption that the title will be nothing but a grind to force you into buying pay-to-win items.

Fortunately, the publisher has come out and clarified what players will be paying real money for. Customisation of each hero is split into two distinct tiers, one focusing on gear and skills, and the other on skins and customisable outfits. It's only the latter that you can pay for with real money (though some skins will be able to be acquired in-game without additional purchases), and that the items are purely cosmetic, and have not baring on gameplay.

The skills and gear, on the other hand, directly impact the stats of each hero, and will be the main source of loot as the game progresses. In a way it sounds similar to God of War's gear system, which can only be a good thing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3